Around the world major utility companies are taking part in large-scale offshore renewable energy projects, driving down costs and increasing the amount of renewable electricity supplied to regional grids. Marine energy generates clean, predictable and reliable electricity that is easily accessible from many densely populated areas and major utility grids near coastlines and along large rivers. The first multi-device deployments are realised, paving the way for large-scale parks.

When rolling-out offshore energy infrastructure and building new offshore energy parks, great importance has to be put on nature-inclusive development and enhancing biodiversity. Offshore installations can have positive effects on the local environment and can support biodiversity restoration. Examples of such nature-inclusive designs include creating artificial reefs, supporting responsible aquaculture or reoxygenation of oxygen deficient zones.

What we offer

DMEC offers a broad range of services to accelerate nature-inclusive energy parks, including:

  • Innovations: we bring together offshore renewable energy developers and nature-inclusive design innovators to co-develop nature-inclusive energy parks;

  • Circularity & supply chain: our expertise on circularity & supply chain and life cycle assessment (LCA) helps minimising the carbon footprint of offshore projects;

  • Environmental impact: our advise on environmental monitoring strategies and environmental impact assessments gives insights in the impact of offshore projects;

  • Project modelling: our techno-economic MultiORE and GROWTH models can be used to understand the market size, interaction and business case of various energy assets inside energy parks.

For more information, please contact Ewa Spiesz or Yuki Esser.